A Short New Poem

Here’s a short little poem I wrote the other day, after my latest consultation with my doc.

At the Driver’s License Bureau

Yesterday the doctor said
we’ve beat you up pretty bad,
but if we stop treatment now
you have three months.
The transplants are risky
and it’s going to be hard on you,
very hard, but its your only chance.
Certain death in a few months
or one chance in three of a cure
if you survive the procedures.

Today, I sit amongst young men
with nose rings, gangly teenage girls
and young Hispanic couples,
waiting to renew my driver’s license
for another five years.


Upcoming Performances

The Free Radical Railroad will be performing at Hearthfire Books in Evergreen, CO on Friday, March 8 at 7PM http://www.hearthfirebooks.com/. The FRR is a poetry and music group consisting of Phil Woods, James Taylor III, Jim Sheckells and Michael Adams. There will also be an open mic as part of the evening.

I will be the featured reader at the Lafayette Public Library monthly poetry series on Tuesday, March 12 from 7-8 PM.
http://www.cityoflafayette.com/index.aspx?NID=609 I look forward to seeing you local poets and lovers of poetry at the library a week from this Tuesday.
